Tag Archives: fancy dress

Makeup for Bumble Bee Costume

Difficulty level: CRAZY EASY   Time: QUICK   Cost: $

I designed this makeup look to go with a bumble bee costume. It might not make much sense all on its own.

You’ll need:

• Black eye shadow

• Black eye liner pencil

• Yellow, black, red, white and blue face painting crayons (I got a six color pack for $1.97.)

Getting started:

Use a plain black eye liner pencil (or the black crayon if need be) to draw basic cartoonish facial features. It’s easy. Outline around the eyebrows, adding a point to the arch or swirl to the end. Outline outside of the lips – drawing a bigger smile that extends to the cheeks. At the tips of your smile, draw circle for “cheeks.” I think it would have been cuter if I’d drawn mine bigger. Lastly, draw a fun outline around the eyes and a triangle on the nose.



Next, you’ll draw straight yellow and black stripes across the face. I drew the one across the eyes first. Since I knew those features would be black, the stripe around them needed to be yellow. I worked out from there. I used the yellow crayon and the black crayon to make the stripes. I found that I got the best color saturation by using short, firm strokes.


Next, start coloring in the features you outlined earlier using the crayons. Skip the eye makeup area for now. I colored the eyebrows black and the triangle nose blue. Then, I filled in the lips and cheeks with the red crayon. Since I didn’t have pink in the set, I swirled a little white into the cheeks to make them pink.


Now, all that’s left to do is the eyes and any necessary touch-ups. I strongly encourage using black eye shadow for the eye area (if your child is old enough for makeup in that area at all). I just swept a few heavy strokes above and below the eyes, then extended the outer points.

Touch up tips: I used a dry cotton swab to wipe some small mistakes off and it worked well. I also brushed the black stripe near the middle of my face with black eye shadow, because I wanted the color a little more opaque.

Then, you’re done! How easy was THAT? 🙂




Filed under General Facepainting/Costumes